Saturday, April 20, 2019

So This Happened

 My baby girl has her permit!!

 Even Nanny got to come with us.

I Told You There was Mud

Race One of Our Trifecta (Super)

Seattle Super 8miles 30 obstacles 
Chris and I plan on getting our very first spartan trifecta this year. Sprint, super and a beast.

I love that even though we are in different countries, we are getting our trifectas together. Love my brother 

Although these pictures are pretty fabulous, they do not show the mental challenge we all endured. 8 miles of thick, cold and nasty mud. The weather was freezing with wind and rain. 4 hours of numbingly cold, together as a team we pushed, encouraged and celebrated the small victories throughout this race. Mentally this was the hardest but best thing I've ever done. My lovely boy was again, my spartan rock right next to me. I kind of love that sexy guy.

A Little Bit of Everything

 Gorgeous Masie ready for a High school dance.

 As Chris was deployed over most of the winter, we only managed one ski trip this year.

 I won! I actually won! A fitness challenge!! 63 Miles in 28 days.

 Watching the symphony with my visually impaired student, Susanna was amazing. Feeling the music and watching her face as she listens intensely was an honor. Plus teaching her some silly poses for the camera.

 Anakin helping me with my communications class.

 Classified week at work:)

 This fitness journey is crazy, painful, fabulous and thrilling.

 Brandie and I training for our Seattle Spartan.
 Conference in Ellensberg for teachers in the visually impaired field.
 Just a dog in her bra

 Waterfall hike with my loves over spring break.

 Hmmmm, I just don't know.
 Masie decided to try my plain yogurt I bought for a recipe, lol. I found this note and I laughed so hard.
 My heart!