Sunday, October 4, 2015

Birthday Adventure

 For chris's birthday we went to Bowl and Pitcher for a little hike, it was a gorgeously warm day.

We found a new trail and it led to the river, it was so low that there were many rocks to climb on. I saw a craw fish and chris wanted to catch it. I was sitting on a rock and there wasn't too many more around me. Chris came over and was on my rock and stepped to the next one to get closer to the fish, that rock happened to be slippery... Oh I can not stop laughing even as I type.

He reached out his hand and said "grab me" which I did but then I started to fall so I let go of him... SPLASH!!!! It was so extremely funny and I tried to get my phone out in time to snap a picture but I was too late, he jumped out so fast, if you blinked you would have missed it.

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