Saturday, November 8, 2014

Never give Up

I have been working so hard with Hailey, she has struggled the last few years with holding her pencil. She just couldn't seem to hold it the correct way. The first picture is how she held her pencil for 2 years. Although she could write like this, she was very sloppy and I couldn't let her become an adult holding her pencil that way. So, one of the kids I work with holds his pencil the same way and I over her the Occupational Therapist, she told the teacher to have him hold his pencil like picture 2. This at least gets the fingers in a better position. Her writing got worse and she asked to go back:( I spoke with her teacher and I was about to just leave her alone as it was upsetting her. She had the OT come and look and Hailey write, she found that Hailey had very weak hand/finger muscles. She recommended some exercises with Thera Putty, I ordered it straight away and began. Seriously 2 weeks later she is holding her pencil correctly and not only that, she is comfortable, her writing has improved and she is so happy!

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