Saturday, December 21, 2019

Halloween and Friends

 Ms Crystal reading a braille book to 5th grade.
 Susanna and I enjoying fun outfits.

 Trick or Treating with our awesome neighbors.

 Alyssa's halloween party.

 A night out with my besties

A Little Christmas Shopping Treat

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Homecoming 2019

 Masie's first trip to the nail salon.

 My girls have some wonderful friends.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Snapchat Fun


The innocence in our eyes! We did not know just how bad 2020 was going to get...
 My wonderful gym family! My life is so much better with these people in it!

 My new bestie! You can't have too many besties, right! Love you Audrey

I didn't realize quite how much I would miss people in my life.